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Saturday, April 25, 2009


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Abraham Lincoln

Lovely layout. Excellent photography. I love bees and their honey. Nice post.


I agree with Mr Lincoln! I love the almost translucent pots of honey.

Janis Dority

I greatly admire Beekeepers,brave food providers!
I love that he knows his bees so well, I bet they know him too!


Fifty-cent coffee? Omigod. No around here, you don't!

Love honey, too. Fascinating photo!


You have to put up a photo of you two, now! I bet we are in the same places at the same time a lot. That is my favorite honey in the world, and I've tried a lot. The candles are so beautiful, too!

Rerto Jordans

The blog article very surprised to me! Your writing is good. In this I learned a lot! Thank you!

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