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« Flag-like, Striped Sky over Greensboro | Main | Stained Glass Window at Greek Orthodox Church »

Saturday, April 04, 2009


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The mannequin guy is right out of the 50's...and perfect match with the truck.
All needs is a pack of cigarettes rolled up in the short sleeve of that tee shirt. Fun photo. June

Bill B.

The sheriff's department here used to do the same thing at the airport. The mannequin was dressed in uniform w/hat and sitting in the front seat of a sheriff's cruiser. They placed it in a busy section of the airport where they wanted people to slow down. It became a famous place for students to take a picture. 10 or 15 of them would be draped over the car. The pictures were hysterical. The car was, regrettably, removed.


I love this! He looks a bit ghostly ;-)


Interesting shot. Almost a bit spooky.


Glad to meet you too !
I think the hand-made seat bell is comensurate to that truck !
And what a look ! You just have to look-down when looking at him : )
Keep just driving, you find so original subject that way.
Have a nice Sunday.

People with Cameras

I love it!

ugg store

Storms make trees take deeper roots.Your post moved me.

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