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« Liberty Antiques Festival | Main | Blue Lustron Home on Lawndale Avenue »

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


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A pie safe! I've not heard of that. Thanks for the new word.
I guess they were a good idea in the old days. Wish I had a pie to put in one. :)
Your festival looks like a lot of fun to browse.


I spot very German looking pots and a kind of Celtic armoire. How much is the toy turquoise car in the window?

Greensboro Daily Photo

For our international visitors: Yes, a pie safe is a very handy item to have. It is a wooden cupboard with punched tin inserts instead of glass. The punched tin allows the baked goods to breathe while keeping flies and other bugs out! Two are visible in this photo.

I don't know how much the turquoise car costs. Antique toys, especially vehicles, are mighty expensive in the USA these days! Next time I see a similar one around town, I'll let you know the cost. Do you collect them? Own some?


No, not really, I like it though!

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