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Monday, April 27, 2009


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Somewhere in my travels I've heard about Junior Achievement. What an informative post. What an incredible house that you capture nicely in monochrome.


How wonderful to find you picture and history! I was in JA in Indiana in high school many, many years ago and it was a very memorable experience.


A vaunting ambition - you have illustrated it well.


Another interesting post, with a great monochrome photo, too!


Interesting post and a lovely old home! I wish Italians were more generally civic-minded!

Abraham Lincoln

What a monumental difference in living styles. Compare this to the simple houses in my town or the village where I was born and it is amazing.

The Hamlet of Gordon


That's a beautiful house and a very interesting post.

Robin from Israel

What a stately building. The house was donated by someone and the porches by someone else? Sounds like American synagogues - there, practically each chair has its own donor LOL.


Nice and thanks for the background!


That sounds absolutely wonderful! It is organizations like this that really give me hope for the future.

It's a gorgeous old house too.

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