The Grove Church, located at 4530 Jessup Grove Road, boasts having "some of the best Sundays in town." On the outside, the building is a traditional brick and white Southern church with a cross at the top of the steeple. Across from the church is a cemetery, very common for rural churches. As for the inside, we'll have to investigate that for another week!
We decided to feature the sign instead of the building itself as, church signs are not only an art, but also a tradition. Ethnographer and former Greensboro resident H.L. Goodall wrote the book featured below entitled, "Divine Signs: Connecting Spirit to Community." We'd have to conclude that the Grove's sign is inviting and tempting-- a good temptation to become part of their spiritual community!
Whatever works to get them in the door.
Posted by: Bill B. | Sunday, April 19, 2009 at 08:46 AM
Very welcome!
Great post!
Posted by: Léia | Sunday, April 19, 2009 at 11:02 AM
Lately, I've been reading quite a bit about the development of the early Christian church...fascinating to see how many varieties there were in the first few centuries - hundreds of different groups, all with their own gospels and other written material. And almost from the first, they began competing for converts...
...which continues to this day!
Posted by: Jacob | Sunday, April 19, 2009 at 11:06 AM
I am not sure if we are still considered as a Baptist church or if we would bew considered as nondenominationa.
It is a warm & friendly church. You are very welcome & you can feel the spirit of the Lord in the church.
I guess a lot of folks would say that I am prejudiced since I go there.
As far as the cemetery goes, there is a lot of history there. Not just Allreds & Jessups. We have Marshalls & Andersons as well. The Jessups originally donated the land that the church & the cemetery are on. Unfortunately, none of these families mentioned here continue to go to the Grove.
Thanks for featuring our church.
You should come & investigate the inside too.
Posted by: Gerri Greene | Sunday, April 19, 2009 at 01:28 PM
Hmm, I can't imagine churches here advertising like that!
Posted by: cieldequimper | Sunday, April 19, 2009 at 05:26 PM
Nice advertisement! If it wokrs, why not?! As for me, all peaceful ways are acceptable, as long as they make people to be closer to God.
Btw thanks for visiting my blog and comment! regarding forsythia we have the same name for it.
Posted by: Irina | Monday, April 20, 2009 at 02:07 AM