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« Elsewhere Artist Collaborative (City Daily Photo Theme Day: Yellow!!!) | Main | Flag-like, Striped Sky over Greensboro »

Thursday, April 02, 2009


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Love this big head. True what you say about today's journalism...the quality of language has declined, too.


Boy, that's yellow! Cheerful photo!!


Boy does he forever need BOTOX. My daughter did a BOTOX PARTY where all dipped into the fountain of youth.
AND SEEMS doing these little make-overs isn't private anymore...they said Tupperware and Beauty Control parties are a thing of the past. A sign of the times, I would say.

David Burke

I love this one! First, I didn't know he was a native, that is interesting. And looking at the statue, all I can think of, is, Easter Island!

julie scottsdaledailyphoto.com

whoa, that is a monumental statue. It does remind me of easter island also. I am glad you enjoyed the Chihuly Saffron Tower on my site for theme day. I have a daytime photo of the Saffron Tower up today. Thanks for your comments.

Jane Mitchell

Yes, I love this one. Don't forget the great movie that George Clooney directed in 2005 intitled "Good Night and Good Luck" with David Straharn as Edward R. Murrow. It was up for several academy awards, but I don't recall now how many it may have won. It dealt with media responsibility. You have now featured most of the hometown celebs that have statues with one exception. Maybe you can guess whic one?! JTM

David T

I think I know the one you mean, Jane. I'll bet it's this guy, or were you thinking of the bronze one? http://www.greensboro-nc.gov/Greensboro/templates/WideContentPage.aspx?NRMODE=Published&NRORIGINALURL=%2Fdepartments%2FLibrary%2Fohenry%2FNews%2Band%2BRecord%2Fgr04261972.htm%3Fwbc_purpose%3DBasic%26WBCMODE%3DPresentationUnpublished%252CPresentationUnpublished&NRNODEGUID=%7B71B7E1B3-1EF7-4F96-B7D4-A08993C3A375%7D&NRCACHEHINT=Guest&wbc_purpose=Basic&WBCMODE=PresentationUnpublished


He looks very unhappy!


How have I never seen this? That's the second thing I've seen this week that I must have been by a thousand times and never noticed. I'm so glad I've found this blog!


I used to listen to the guy. Thought he was good, but never thought he'd get as big a head as this!


I agree -the wires running through his head really add to this fine sculpture. And what an interesting man.
Great Blog by the way, one of the best I've seen!

Abraham Lincoln

I never met him in person, Edward R. Murrow, but felt like I knew him all my life. The great names in broadcast journalism came over from radio and some were better at it than others. But I listened to Murrow during World War II in my country schoolhouse and he was broadcasting (radio) "London Calling" and you always heard bombs going off somewhere around him. We were also losing the war on both fronts (Atlantic and Pacific) when people listened to him and the rest of the war news if they could get around a radio.

I did post about how I do extreme cropping in photoshop to get the results in the picture and not the picture I photographed.

Suzanne Deal-Fitzgerald

I was kind of looking around tonight for some of my late father's work. I found this piece, and also mentioned in the comments is a picture of O'Henry as a boy. My father also did that piece, and it's actually a composite of O'Henry and my brother Jeff Deal. Jeff still lives out in McLeansville and was very active in the Jaycees, and in his parental involvement in the rebuilding of Eastern High School.

My brothers Jeff and Chuck and I am in this picture with our father, at the Davie County Library. We now stand in the courtyard area of the library.

Just thought you might like to know...

Suzanne Deal-Fitzgerald

I could have given you the link, right?


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