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Sunday, March 01, 2009


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Glad to see you found the theme day instructions! It's not a contest, by the way ;)

I love your choice — it's fun! I, for one, would love to see your other glass photos. And that Replacements Inc. sounds like a treasure house!


Very different fun glass. Hilda's right it's just a little fun for the first of the month butr I can see the how the confsuion could arise.


Nice and colourful....

susie of arabia

What a cool post for the Glass Theme Day. I love those glass pears - they almost look edible. Nothing like a ripe pear!!!


beautiful photos of scrumptious objects. And interesting the books too. I loved your Apple posting yesterday. Wish we had one in Menton!

julie scottsdaledailyphoto.com

great post for theme day. I am glad you enjoyed the Chihuly glass art on my website. Thanks for stopping by.


Very origianl post. I don't think I've ever seen these before. Thanks for sharing :)


wow fascinating


At last, I could link with your site, which is beautiful in its design. The glass pears are really great, colorful and stylish!

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