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« Greensboro Fire Station #49 on Friendly Avenue | Main | Greensboro Central Library »

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


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A beauty indeed! Wonderful!


The porches and rocking chairs remind me of so many movies... ;-) Don't people sit outside and chat anymore?


Boy, seeing this house brought back memories of my Aunt Snooks and Uncle Charles lived in a house just like that in rurel Alabama. When I was a child, I would spend one of the summer weeks with them and attend "singing school" in an old churce that was walking distance. We learned "shaped notes" which I suppose is a dead language today. My cousin Ronald and I would walk the warm sandy road down to the little white church every morning with our little song book. Neither of us could carry a tune, however, hot afternoons, we would sint in the swing on this big wrap porch and practice singing. Years leater, my Aunt told me how she wouldn't miss our sessions as we were totally the wrost~ LOL
My cousin in this story went on a phd in education and is mayor of this small "no stoplight" town. He has brought so much to that little wide spot in the road, but everytime he manages to have a traffic put in, the state comes along and takes it down.


I love the info you post here

Greensboro Daily Photo

Hilda, Cieldequimper, June, and Liliana: Thank you all for the positive comments and feedback. Getting feedback makes this blog feel more like a community and social network. You know the saying that if a tree falls in the forest and there is nothing to hear it, no sound is made. Having a blog feels like being the forest and we need people for sound!


Very nice house. Thanks you for your comments too Jan!


That's a beautiful house. I used to want to buy and restore an old house but it's never been a financial possibility for me. Oh well, it's fun to look. Since I've still live in the house we bought 25 years ago and it was 20 years old when we bought it, if I live long enough it will be an old house. Just kidding, it's never going to be a classy old house like this one.

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