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Friday, March 13, 2009


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I'll get round to the sky paintings in my town someday! This is such a lovely ceiling, there's a darker mood on the right, is it night?


Is this a Friday the 13th advance screw up?


That's a lovely, cheerful painting! Except when you get to that dark, dead tree. Is it a day-night kind of scene?

A skylight in a library sounds unusual to me — I know librarians don't like it when the books get sunlight because they deteriorate faster. But the sun person that I am likes the idea :)



Today's Blah...

What a magnificent painting and lovely way to look up to the sky...

Bohol Today

They are elegant paintings, I would be coming back to this library more for the skywatch and of course for the books.


Oh that is beautiful and a great take on skywatch!


What a lovely painting. I'll have to think about where in the triangle area there would be paintings of the sky. Great idea for skywatch.


Now that is a unique sky...how creative. What a lucky library! Thanks for sharing this one...


oh this is a really interesting skywatch! i like this a lot.


This looks really great. The cupola itself and the windows even look like they could have been painted, like a trompe l'oeil. It's a great post for skywatch because of the little twist to it. And thanks for your comment Jan!


Interesting way to have blue skies overhead all the time! You have some great images of Greensboro.


Most interesting. How do you keep your nose in a book? I'd be looking at the ceiling the whole time!

julie scottsdaledailyphoto.com

what a great mural for a library. I could get a book and lay down and read a book while staring at this ceiling in between the page turning


Wow wow! What a ceiling! I wish to see more skies in the ceilings after seeing this.


That is pretty impressive for a library! Really lovely.

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