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Thursday, March 05, 2009


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Another gorgeous photo with a perfect composition. Are we going to get to see wha's inside? ;-)

Greensboro Daily Photo

Yes! You will see photos from inside over the next couple of months. Now that we're getting the hang of this blogging and photographing, FLICKR may be on the horizon for overflow photos. The daily photo format, ONE a day, is starting to feel limiting. In the meantime, you can follow the link if you want to see the museum's photos. Their website is great. Thanks for asking!


I haven't been to a free museum in… omg, I don't think I've ever been in a free museum.

This historical museum sounds wonderful! I know I'll enjoy going through those rooms, and I'm glad to hear you'll be posting some photos from inside. I'll be looking forward to those too!

Elaine Dale

Love the look and contents of your site, will be back!


Lovely white snow on red brick!


Looks very nice. The snow against the brick is enchanting. So's the fact that the museum is free!

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