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Monday, March 09, 2009


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Thanks for the compliment on my blog. I enjoy looking at fire station photos. Check this out. http://ffmitch.blogspot.com/2008/09/b-shift-saint-albans-fire-department.html

mary stebbins Taitt

Cool shot. I saw an accident with multiple fire engines and police cars but couldn't photograph it.

It certainly doesn't LOOK like an empty city!


Yes, you're right, firemen in all countries are admirable people. Good shot! You don't know how much I love American fire trucks, I've been known to photograph every nook and cranny on trips to NYC and Seattle, so selfishly enough, I'm very happy with this post(Oh and thanks for your e-mail! ;-))


It's interesting to me that your fire station is identical to the one on the street near my house. It could actually be a shot of mine it's so similar.

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