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« Greensboro Central Library | Main | Kathleen Clay Edwards Family Branch of the Greensboro Public Library »

Thursday, March 12, 2009


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Well, as usual I like the photograph and the "subject". For some reason I love old graveyards, the older the better, especially when they look weather beaten like these tombs. It's also nice to know about the people laid to rest here!

Emma Bond

Hi Greensboro Daily, thanks for your kind comments on my blog, The Orchard Studio and you probably found me through my Bath Daily Photo Blog site... anyway, love the your vibrant photos, they are wonderful, so colourful. Thanks for being so welcoming. Emma

julie scottsdaledailyphoto.com

very nice capture. It has lots of texture and historic interest. BTW, thank you for your comments on my website and I am glad you enjoyed the photos. When I try to click on your Greensboro site in your comments, it will not take me into your website but states that it is not released to the public. You might want to fix the setting as that is a frequent way that people select to find your site. Just a thought . . .

Linda Evans

I'm so glad I discovered your site - and have shared it with lots of friends. Enjoy it every day, and even more so on the days you've shared photos of my workplace - the Historical Museum!

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