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Sunday, February 22, 2009


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Wonderful photo of a magnificent church! I love the touch of colored glass against the brick and slate. And the blue of that sky is awesome!
Don't forget to vote for the April theme! We get two choices this time, thanks to Elaine. Please help spread the word too.

Sharon Stackpole

Thank you so much for leaving such a kind appraisal of my artwork on http://justamodernguy.com/?p=199.


It such a beauty against that really rich blue sky backdrop.


Nice pic; another great thing about this church is it's daily luncheons - the food is awesome - we eat there from my office about once every two weeks. I recommend the fried chicken, and any of the desserts!!

David T

Thank you for the nice comments about Jan's photo. The theme that Hilda referred to is a monthly contest on http://www.citydailyphoto.com that feature blogs like ours from around the world posting on a designated theme. Watch for our entry for March on "glass" and VOTE for us!

Friends have told us about the lunches at the UHOP. We're definitely going to give them a try! Fried chicken and dessert, what else do you need?

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