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Friday, February 27, 2009


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Jane Mitchell

Just wondering what the significance is of the rhinoceros since Greensboro has this club named for the animal and a weekly newspaper bearing the name "Rhinoceros Times." By googling "animal symbolism" I found that it is a symbol of sure--footedness and confidence, hence an appropriate choice for these trying times.

David Burke

Ironic, a bar that associates itself with sure-footedness.

David T

Maybe we should all meet at the Rhino Club to investigate further!

David Burke

Sounds good to me. Next time we're in Greensboro!
Do they have food?

David T

The Rhino Club does not have a kitchen. In order to hold a full ABC license without an adequate level of food sales, a bar has to be a private club. Thus the Rhino has a $2 fee to become a member. All this is according to their website.

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