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Saturday, February 21, 2009


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I like the architecture! Very solid-looking and fit for 'generations.' Brings to mind the walls of old Jerusalem too. And beautiful sky you have!


It is a very solid striking building


That is a gorgeous temple...and I'll bet it's nice inside, too. Interesting that people know little about Jews settling in the southern states - but they made great contributions there.

Dina in Jerusaelm

You know the famous Lutheran hymn "A Mighty Fortress is Our God"? The architecture reminds me of a fortress.
Those books under the post would be interesting to read. "Matsoh Ball Gumbo"--haha. I remember my surprise the first time I heard a rabbi with a Southern accent.
Thanks for this post! Shalom

Greensboro Daily Photo

Well, this posting of Temple Emanuel has elicited a comment from the Philippines, Isle of Man, Ocala (FL), and Jerusalem. We would like to hope that our postings would evoke comments from people in our own back yard! According to the stats, locally, we're getting lots of looking but not much commenting.

It is our sincere hope that Greensboro Daily Photo becomes a place for the international community to learn about our fine city and for the local community to share their happy memories!

Let's see where we are this time next year....................

Greensboro Daily Photo


Was this building based on, or influenced by any other synagogue that you know of? Its very solid geometry reminds me a bit of the black and white structures that make up the Shrine of the Book in Jerusalem.



If we find out, we'll let you know.

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