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Thursday, February 12, 2009


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Jane Mitchell

Pobrecita! No hay ni comentarios ni reacciones. A mi me gusta el te y me parece un lugar simpático.

Greensboro Daily Photo

Thanks for the post, Jane. Sometimes I feel like posting a message, "will post pictures for comments." You put your heart into a blog, get lots of lookers, and so few people give you the satisfaction of posting a comment!

Knowing that so many people are viewing the blog is inspiring.

Dina in Jerusaelm

Hi Jan. Thanks for your visit. I'll think about your question and answer it soon on my blog (re archaeology finds).
My blog is just one year old. I remember it took time to start getting comments. Be patient. What brought me to your blog was your comment somewhere that you are a new blogger, and new bloggers need encouragement, I think.
How 'bout if you put up a wee bit in a profile? That might help readers feel closer to you.

Tea time sounds so nice. I just came back from Australia and got used to the custom of morning tea and afternoon tea.

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