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Sunday, February 08, 2009


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That's a beautiful church and location. And appropriate to post on a Sunday.

Jane Mitchell

This site has posted one of Greensboro's fine churches every Sunday since it began.

David T

Well, we did miss February 1st, but that was a special case. Take another look.


BTW, I hope everyone using Firefox or Internet Explorer hits their refresh button on GDP. I feel like such a rookie assuming that because the City Daily Photo banner and search box worked great on my computer, using Safari, that it was showing up for you all. It was about 4 days before I figured out that was not the case.

At least I learned that I could mess around with the HTML code and get it to work by myself. Let us know how you like the CDP search function and enjoy surfing around the world!

David T

Marc, thanks for your comment. Your site at http://www.amsterdamdailyphoto.com/ is always an inspiration.

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