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« Greensboro Children's Museum | Main | Brown Building on the UNCG Campus »

Sunday, January 25, 2009


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This is so cinematic to me. Puts me in mind of so many TV Images we have filter trough over here. Gorgeous.

ken mac

hi Jan! Thanks for the comment. Seems I am on the computer all the time...so gotta check everybody out!
I know Greensboro well as I am from Charlotte and when I was a musician in the 70s and 80s was always passing through or gigging in Greensboro. A much better town that Charlotte....! I like your cockleburr shot. Yankees have no idea what that means..


Just a beautiful church. Great capture.

Cathy Hunt Hammonds

I was a member as a child about 30 years ago and was a part of the youth choir at that time under Joy Brannon's direction....she called my parents in Rock Hill, SC and requested my address for something she was planning, I believe, in August or the first of September...I've not received any information concerning this and I'm really interested in being a part of it.

Cathy Hunt Hammonds

Alice Moore

Indeed, churches are named first because they are the first of a denomination in a town or city.
I worked at FBC for a time and can attest to the vastness of the facility. Whatever I needed was always in the east wing when I q=was in the west wing, ect. Thost corridors are looong!

Impotence causes

It is nice one, the pic is very cool, i just wonder if the real matter also cool enough. I have got a watch which have nice photo but do not really good before, it is so bad...


Really nice job,There are many people searching about that now they will find enough sources by your tips.

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