Posted at 01:19 AM in 2009, 2009: 3rd Quarter, Buildings, Decorating, History, Monochrome, Museum | Permalink | Comments (13) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 05:30 AM in 2009, 2009: 3rd Quarter, People, Schools | Permalink | Comments (9) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 05:30 AM in 2009, 2009: 3rd Quarter, People, Visual Arts | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 05:30 AM in 2009, 2009: 3rd Quarter, Businesses, Skywatch Friday, Visual Arts | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 05:30 AM in 2009, 2009: 3rd Quarter, Community Resources | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 05:30 AM in 2009, 2009: 3rd Quarter, Community Resources, Nature | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)
This is part of the North Carolina Railroad system which was built in 1849 as a 223 mile stretch of track connecting Goldsboro to Charlotte, stopping in Greensboro along the way. As a city, Greensboro flourished with the construction of the railroad. Here we see the track near Davie Street, Elm St. and Martin Luther King Drive. In the distance you see the back side of the Southern Railway Station, restored as J. Douglas Gaylon Depot, our multi-modal transportation center. The city's nickname, Gate City, came about in recognition of our rail-hub position.
On his blog, Jim Schlosser talks about the colorful train engines and cars seen passing through Greensboro. Preservation Greensboro Incorporated writes about the Elm St.Train Station. Faithful reader Sue, whose father worked for the railroad in Greensboro, has been requesting photos of trains, tressels, and train stations. We finally got out to take a few; so, here's to you Sue, a part of your world that we're including in the My World meme!
Posted at 05:30 AM in 2009, 2009: 3rd Quarter, Community Resources, History, Old-Time Ways, Vehicles | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 05:30 AM in 2009, 2009: 3rd Quarter, Community Resources, History, Monochrome, Museum, Old-Time Ways, People | Permalink | Comments (12) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 05:30 AM in 2009, 2009: 3rd Quarter, Night Scenes, Religion, Schools | Permalink | Comments (11) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 05:30 AM in 2009, 2009: 3rd Quarter, Arts and Crafts, Businesses, Decorating, People, Signs, Vehicles, Visual Arts | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
While enjoying the Bur-Mil Park area this week, we took this photo. Bur-Mil Park is located below the flight path for several North Carolina airports so condensation trails are common. On Monday, close to sunset, we looked to the heavens and saw this unbelievable sky. It was as if the contrail was bursting into Fourth of July fireworks. Bur-Mil Park a great, free, city park where you can enjoy spending time outside not just photographing but also swimming, golfing, hiking, biking, having a picnic.
Contributing to the Sky Watch Friday this year has caused us to pause and look at the sky almost daily. We find ourselves saying things like, "Oh, those clouds will be a vibrant pink in about an hour." "Where can we go to have the best vantage point for photographing the sky?" If you are not already a skywatcher, start photographing the sky and see how much more you pay attention to the sun, clouds, and horizon line in your part of the world!
Posted at 05:30 AM in 2009, 2009: 3rd Quarter, Nature, Skywatch Friday, Weather | Permalink | Comments (32) | TrackBack (0)
Here we see a picture of the Fourth of July Celebration at Friendly Park Pool, a big day for their Swim-for-Cancer fundraising. Kids were bouncing around on the inflatables, supporting a good cause. As we approached the pool, we noticed a lot of Friendly Frogs walking around with pink streaks in their hair. Carrie Drees of Orrell Design volunteered her time and supplies to pink-streak hair for a small donation to Swim-for-Cancer. This was only one of many local businesses donating time and materials for the cause. We will find out at the annual City Swim Meet, which of the area club teams raised the most money for Swim-for-Cancer.
City Meet, by the way, is held today through Saturday at Lindley Pool. We cannot say enough about the wonderful swim programs at our local community pools. Children have fun with their respective team's events; they learn to swim competitively; they learn to fundraise for good causes; and they get plenty of great exercise. Boy do they get plenty of exercise! Backstyle, breast stroke, butterfly, free, IM, relays......
This is our contribution to Theme Thursday: Celebration! Hope you enjoyed it!
Posted at 05:30 AM in 2009, 2009: 3rd Quarter, Festival, Glass, Parks, People | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 05:30 AM in 2009, 2009: 3rd Quarter, Night Scenes | Permalink | Comments (28) | TrackBack (0)
In the Piedmont Region of North Carolina, many fruits and vegetables are ready to eat. In our yard, blueberries are ripening daily, lavender is growing (a little past peak), mint is wildly rampant, cucumbers are available by the dozens, tomatoes are starting to turn red, pole beans are growing in front of our eyes, and okra is putting up a good fight against the deer. Unfortunately, watermelon blossoms are being eaten by rabbits or deer as soon as the buds open! At the farmers' markets, peaches arrive daily from the Sandhills (Moore and Richmond County). Our part of the world is full of the wonderful flavors of summer. Nothing beats fresh produce.
A few years ago, we decided to convert our property to an edible landscape. It is amazing what can grow in a small amount of space, especially if you consider the use of poles to grow vines vertically. Once you are accustomed to fresh produce, you will not want to return to salty, processed, packaged foods. Mr. GDP works hard on getting plants in the ground; we all weed and harvest; Mrs. GDP spends afternoons finding nic nacs and dishes that will photograph well with the fruits of our labor. That's what is going on in our world. To learn about others, check out the My World themed postings.
Posted at 05:30 AM in 2009, 2009: 3rd Quarter, Food and Drink, Nature | Permalink | Comments (16) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 05:30 AM in 2009, 2009: 3rd Quarter, Community Resources, Monochrome, Nature, Old-Time Ways, Parks | Permalink | Comments (13) | TrackBack (0)
Saint Pius X Catholic Church, located at 2210 North Elm St., is being rebuilt from the ground up and, as seen above, is a work in progress. The parrish electively chose to demolish the 1954 sanctuary to build something that will accommodate their 21st century needs. In the meantime, services are held in the gymnasium of their adjacent parochial school. Through the process, the bells, seen above, have remained firmly in place, but the mammoth "crux cuadra" has been relocated to the school side of the property.
St. Pius X Greensboro is blogging about the construction process. If you are interested, you can see how builders weathered the seemingly monsoon rains of spring and read the adventures of their rescuing five beautiful, feral kittens. While the ecclesiastic purple insulation is a stunning color, somehow, we don't think it is the chosen color for the outer façade!
Posted at 05:30 AM in 2009, 2009: 3rd Quarter, Architecture, Religion | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)
If you are a Greensboro local, likely, you visited Santa of Chapman Street at Christmastime. He was on this earth from 1932-2003 bringing happiness to children far and wide. Today, on the Fourth of July, we see his legacy being celebrated by his sons, Roger and Jacky. Happy Fourth of July, Santa.
Across the window on the left is an "it's a girl" banner. Santa, may someone step up to the plate and bring your granddaughter the holiday happiness you brought to other children for so many years. Those of us in Greensboro, drive by 507 Chapman Street and honk for "Grandaddy Santa" as you are en route to Fun Fourth!
Posted at 05:30 AM in 2009, 2009: 3rd Quarter, Decorating, Houses, Neighborhoods, People, Street Scenes | Permalink | Comments (8) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 05:30 AM in 2009, 2009: 3rd Quarter, Buildings, Businesses, Skywatch Friday, Street Scenes | Permalink | Comments (15) | TrackBack (0)
(Celebrating 6 months of Greensboro Daily Photo with this post)!!!!!!!!
The beauty of downtown Greensboro is that it is ever changing. Here we see the storefront window from the now-defunct S.H. Kress Store serving as a venue for art by students from one of our alternative public high schools, Weaver Academy for Performing/Visual Arts and Advanced Technology. Art students from Weaver designed the display from items secured from the Teachers' Supply Warehouse. To learn more about the project as well as how you can donate to the warehouse, visit this website. Watch a short video about the creative process with 30 rolls of clear packing tape. What a wonderful way to bring attention to a very worthwhile cause-- getting supplies to teachers. Also, what a way to give back to the community through art. Kudos to the advertising and public relations agency, Bouvier Kelly Inc. for making all of this possible. Just so much giving!
Finally, a friend of ours said this post reminded him of the band DEVO and their song, "Are We Not Men?"
Posted at 05:30 AM in 2009, 2009: 3rd Quarter, Architecture, Buildings, Decorating, Schools | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 05:30 AM in 2009, 2009: 3rd Quarter, Businesses, CDP Theme Day, Holiday | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)